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E-Learning moves to TV in Cambodia

PHNOM PENH: The Education Ministry yesterday started airing distance learning progra- mmes or e-Learning on the National Television of Kampuchea and some cable TV channels for students in the capital and provinces throughout the country.

Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron announced yesterday the launch of the TV programmes was carried out following an instruction by Prime Minister Hun Sen to support the education of all students in kindergarten, primary and secondary school levels while schools are temporarily closed to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Mr Naron said the e-Learning programmes will be aired on TV networks, such as a newly created TVK2 for educational broadcasting, Decho DTV’s channel 22, and 55 new cable television networks.

“The airing of the educational videos on these television channels will be done 24 hours a day,” he said. “The live feeds will be aired from 8am to midnight, while repeat broadcasts will run from midnight to 8am.

Mr Naron said students in Grades 9 and 12, who will sit for the upcoming national examinations, will be able to watch three hours of the programmes each day.
