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Cambodia: Unemployed to get $40 per month

PHNOM PENH — Cambodia’s Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training has instructed enterprises, business owners and travel agencies in five provinces to prepare the proper forms for the suspension of employment contracts.

This, it said, will make it easier for the ministry to transfer $40 a month to workers and employees via Wing (Cambodia) Limited Specialized Bank.

On April 7, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced changes in the allowances for temporarily laid-off garment workers from receiving 60 percent of the minimum wage to a flat $70. Of the figure, $40 will come from the government and $30 from factory employers.

Along with the change, the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) requested the ministry to issue concrete instructions around the procedure to give out the allowance. Some workers had claimed they had yet to receive the $40 from the government.

An instruction letter issued by the ministry dated on April 17 said for the government to provide the $40, employers or owners of factories, enterprises and establishments in the textile, garment and footwear sectors have to follow the procedure mandated by it.
