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E-Learning app soon available across nation

All students across the country will soon be able to download the e-learning application via the smartphone device to access lessons, videos and specific subjects from their smartphone online and offline freely.

The E-learning app was developed by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. It will be launched to facilitate and provides education services online for Cambodian students.

“This is the third time that both institution’s working groups have developed and adjusted the digital platform for providing e-education services to students in Cambodia,” said Kan Channmeta, Secretary
of State of Ministry of Post and Telecommunication.

He said the ministry will officially launch the free app from July 15 onward.

Channmeta said that during the outbreak of COVID-19, the students are required to study online. However, the ministry of education, youth and sports found there were some challenges in terms of not knowing whether students actually study, that content is not gathered on one platform and the problem of poor or interrupted internet access.

He said that after conducting a study on the issues and on the technical aspects, as well as the actual demand from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and students,  the e-learning app has been developed to solve all the issues.

“The e-learning app will be functioning as a platform by obliging students to register and access the lesson for all grades, download content and reduce the cost of internet access through collaboration with their telecoms company and internet service providers,” Channmeta said.

“It also allows the ministry and school to get statistics on the number of students who access the content on the e-learning app so that it helps the ministry and schools to improve study plans better. The e-learning app will require students to register to access all the content. The programme will set up the lessons, subjects and video downloads, view lessons and receive alerts for a new lesson,” he added.