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20 schools to reopen

The Council of Ministers has allowed the Ministry of Education to reopen 20 high-safety standard schools months after their closures amid COVID-19 pandemic.

A secretary of state at the Council of Ministers In Virak Cheat on Monday sent a letter to Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron, saying that the government gave the greenlight to the Ministry of education to reopen 20 high-safety standard schools in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap city and Battambang city.

Ministry spokesman Ros Soveacha said today that the ministry will sign the memorandum of understanding with those schools to ensure they follow the health measures set by the Health Ministry and the World Health Organization.

“If those schools fail to comply with the MoU over safety measures, then they will be warned or shut down temporarily,” he said.

According to the Ministry of Education, the first phase will include schools with high safety standards, the second phase will focus on schools with moderate-safety standards and the third one will be schools with minimum-safety standards.

Each class must not exceed more than 15 students, while social distancing must be strictly enforced and other areas where contact may take place must also be eliminated, it said.