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KOOMPI Launches Free Online Education Platform for Cambodian Students

Local laptop producer KOOMPI has released a free online educational platform, exclusively designed for Cambodian students to continue their education at home amid the COVID-19 shutdown.

KOOMPI stated this week that the company is introducing “KOOMPI Academy”, an online learning program designed with expertly selected material to facilitate student’s at-home learning experience.

“Our team selects learning materials from around the world, specifically for Cambodian students of all levels who are self-motivated to learn,” KOOMPI said.

Content has been selected to ensure remote learning is possible for all levels of study and all locations throughout the country and will be accessible in both online and offline modes. Content includes teaching videos related to science, technology, engineering, art, math and other material provided from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

“We expect to see more self-motivated learners and a new model of learning alongside the current learning method. We believe we must change the way we learn and use the tools we have to acquire knowledge. We want to take this opportunity to test what can work better” Thul Rithy, founder of KOOMPI told Khmer Times.

The online learning platform has been highly recommended for studying after the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport announced an immediate measure ordering the educational institution closure to reduce the spreading possibility of COVID-19 among students.

The government’s website is the first platform for student to access their studies remotely. There are also other online platforms being launched such as e-learning Cambodia, Sangapac and Khmerload.
