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5 wonders of Cambodia

SIEM REAP: Cambodia hopes to have at least five more places of significance declared as United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) world heritage sites.

The United Nations body has recommended that Cambodia prepare more comprehensive documentation before submitting its proposal.

The proposed sites are the Phnom Tbeng natural heritage areas, Mekong Prek Kampi dolphin sanctuary, Phnom Nam Lear Rock in Phnom Nam Lear Wildlife Sanctuary, Prek Prasab Wildlife Sanctuary and south Cardamom National Park.

Environment Ministry secretary and spokesman Neth Pheaktra told The Phnom Penh Post that this was the first time that Cambodia had considered applying for the protected natural sites to be listed as world heritage sites.

However, he said the government had not made any decision because of Unesco’s recommendation to prepare more in-depth and detailed documentation.

“We have time. Therefore, we will work on the documentation to submit a more robust application to Unesco for World Heritage registration,” he said.

The ministry said in a Facebook post a number of outstanding protected areas had been identified for the Unesco submission.

“A technical meeting was called to discuss proposals for submission. The advice we got back was that we needed more comprehensive documentation for the proposal.

“The areas that will be in the final proposal have not been decided yet, and we will have more meetings before confirming the list,” Pheaktra said.

He said the proposal was to protect and preserve the areas, which were internationally recognised for their richness in ecological diversity and cultural, historical and environmental values.

The meeting was attended by 70 representatives, including officials of the Environment and Culture Ministries, and representatives from ICC Angkor Wat, Unesco Cambodia, Cambodian National Commission for Unesco, provincial administrations of Koh Kong, Preah Vihear, Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri, and development partners.

The kingdom has at least eight Unesco World Heritage sites and intangible heritage, namely Angkor Wat, Royal Ballet and Khmer Shadow Theatre, Lakhon Sbek Thom, the Temple of Preah Vihear, tugging rituals and games, Chapei Dang Veng, Temple Zone of Sambor Prei Kuk and Lkhon Khol Wat Svay Andet.

Meanwhile it was reported that the number of tourists at Angkor Wat had been dwindling since the outbreak of Covid-19.

Chinese visitors used to make up the bulk of tourists visiting the site, and there were almost none visiting the site now as arrivals had been down by 90 per cent.

Realising the seriousness of the situation, Prime Minister Hun Sen had announced tax breaks for hotels and guesthouses in Siem Reap for four months to offset the losses.
